• The AI Act is expected to enter into force in July 2024
  • The respective provisions will apply 6, 24 and 36 months after entry into force
  • Companies should start preparing now, as the provisions are now final

The Council of the European Union has approved the AI Act in a slightly revised version (so called „Corrigendum”) on May 21st, 2024. This paves the way for publication in the EU’s Official Journal (after translation into all 24 official languages and signature by the presidents of the European Parliament and the Council). 

What this means for the deadlines

The AI Act enters into force twenty days after its publication. Because of the translation work, publication is expected for end of June. Hence, AI Act will likely enter into force in July.

Provisions on “Prohibited Artificial Intelligence Practices” will likely apply starting Januar 2025 (six months after entry into force).

All other provisions will likely apply starting July 2026 (24 months after entry into force), with the exception of provisions on high-risk AI systems, which will likely apply starting July 2027 (36 months after entry into force).

While provisions of the AI Act will still take some time to apply, other regulations such as the GDPR already apply to many AI systems and applications today – and will continue to apply along side the AI Act once its provisions apply. Companies should therefore already prioritize compliance when introducing AI systems and at least take into consideration the provisions of the AI Act.